Spanish Mass
We need your involvement and help!
Are you interested in becoming a registered member with St. Anthony Catholic Church?
Can you volunteer and become a member of the Spanish speaking community sharing your time, talent and treasure here at St. Anthony and helping with its outreach programs?
Please let us know, by calling Mary Godinez
at 425-312-9742....
PLEASE FILL OUT THE INFORMATION FORM Thank you for being a vibrant part of the Spanish community here at St. Anthony!
​Additionally, Bishop Elizondo is celebrating a Spanish Mass at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 11:30 a.m. Sundays on the Hispanic Ministry Facebook page.
Mass Times
First Sunday of each month at 11:00am
The Archdiocese of Seattle has new guidelines to which quinceañeras must adhere.
A Request Form must be filled out and returned to the parish office by the parent and/or guardian of the quinceañera.
It is mandatory for each quinceañera participant to attend a 5 week preparation class prior to the mass.
Should you need more information, please contact the parish office.